August, 2011

An independent little girl

Niki is interesting to watch. Unlike most girls (her age or even older), she’s entirely comfortable with being alone and not compelled to participate just to be with others. Along the same lines she doesn’t seem to tolerate controlling behavior, but instead will go off and do her own thing. It’s actually a refreshing trait to see; most of us aren’t comfortable enough in our own skin to be content being alone until we are well into our 20’s…

This same independence may be the source of Niki and I modestly butting heads at different times (she resists the parental role of control). But upon her return from Germany this year, it seems like things have improved. This is partly due to her seeming to require less parental oversite from me – she’s really been such a good girl lately. But also she’s more receptive (or I’m better at articulating the requirements) to what I say. It’s really so much fun to hang out with her this Summer…

She’s really taken to art, too. Now and again comes up with some interesting and complicated water coloring, likely inspired by her Opa. Again, independence…she will decide to color on her own, get all the materials quietly in her own, and start to paint…all without saying a word.


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