January 2017

People will be talking about this for a long time; this is my summary for you girls to reference back to.

– Most snow in January; 237″ (nearly 20 feet!!)
– Broke the January record from 1973 (which was only 159″)
– Broke all monthly records (highest had been March ’92 with 201″)
– 21 days of school; 10 were cancelled due to snow days

As for February, we received 143 inches, which is the snowiest February since 1998, & the 3rd snowiest since 1970. That brings the season total to 470 inches which is 115% of the seasonal average.

I was busy shoveling (the roof and the decks) snow; blowing snow; driving our treacherous hill (I wrecked the Sienna when I hit Willy Dodge in the street plow from behind); and driving to Truckee (gymnastics!) as if it were just another month of the year.

The entire time you girls played…and played…and played. You were so happy, loved the snow days, and led the sort of unencumbered life like kids are supposed to.

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